Τhe objectives of the OpenDCO (Open Data City Officer) project are :
- Provide in a structured and systematic way a framework for educating smart cities staff on open data,
- Develop an innovative curriculum for OpenDCOs
- provide innovative learning tools,
- Close the competence and skills gap for municipalities officials,
- Promote European collaboration on smart cities’ education,
- Increase the awareness of the Member States, Local Authorities, Municipalities and of various stakeholders that smart cities open data competences is a complex and difficult to acquire,
- Build-up on important work delivered from other ERASMUS+ projects, such as SmartDevOps (601015-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA (https://smartdevops.eu) and CRISIS project (2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000032257) (https://crisisproject.eu).